6 Historic Cemeteries In Nebraska

historic cemeteries in Nebraska

Today, we’re discussing some historic cemeteries in Nebraska that you can respectfully visit (& one you can’t!) & see authentic Nebraska history.

Why Is Granite Great For Headstones?

why is granite great for headstones copy

Answering some of our questions about using granite for headstones. What is granite? Why is granite chosen? What are popular granite colors?

5 Interesting Facts About American Graveyards

interesting facts about american graveyards

Cemeteries are historical, offering glimpses of our past, not just spooky backdrops. Today, let’s look at 5 facts about American graveyards.

Headstone vs. Tombstone vs. Gravestone

headstones vs tombstone vs gravestone

What’s the correct term for a grave marker? Let’s look at the differences – headstone vs. tombstone vs. gravestone.

Cemetery Etiquette Tips For Beginners

Cemetery etiquette tips

If you’re not sure what proper cemetery etiquette is or how to act in these solemn settings, you’re not alone. Read today’s blog for tips.

Picking The Perfect Springtime Gravesite Flowers (Part 2)

Earlier this month, we started talking about the perfect springtime gravesite flowers you could place on your loved one’s grave. We wanted to finish our list today…

Picking The Perfect Springtime Gravesite Flowers (Part 1)

Leaving flowers or flower arrangements on the graves of loved ones is a unique practice. Often, when we tend the graves of those we’ve lost, we choose flowers we think they would have liked. Perhaps we even pick flowers that we know were their favorites in life. It’s a meaningful way to honor those who’ve passed, […]

Benefits Of Incorporating Bronze Into A Headstone Or Memorial

Benefits of bronze headstones or memorials

Artisans have used many materials over the last several centuries to create headstones and memorials. Bronze memorials continue to prevail as one of the most popular options. It is a well-known metal alloy composed of arsenic, copper, tin, and other metals. Bronze has been used to make tools as many as 6,000 years ago, and […]

Headstone Preservation 101

Headstone Restoration Norfolk Nebraska Monument Solutions

Headstones that loved ones carefully choose are designed to stand the test of time. The materials used for headstones are picked because of their ability to withstand the weather and stand as a monument to loved ones. However, all headstones and memorials will eventually start to see some wear and tear. Especially once they’re decades […]

The Differences Between Headstone Engraving And Etching

Headstones and grave markers are a meaningful tribute to people who have passed away, and you want to keep them looking beautiful to honor your loved one’s memory. Depending on whether you’ve chosen engraving or etching, there are nuances to keeping the headstone looking “like new.” Today, we’re going to explore some of the differences […]